Past Sector Shifts and Innovation

 Whether we are looking at new product launches, professional development, or organizational change, industry change-drivers create the friction that fuels the innovative fire.

How can leaders make strategic decisions based on visions and goals for uncertain and changing futures?

We help leaders and management teams look at how industries change, what drivers are affecting their outside environments, and how to change the stories and narratives within the organization.  We coach board-level teams through in-depth working sessions and work with organizational leaders for short- or long-term change support.  We often evaluate deals and acquisitions, and support senior team leaders with regular cross-industry brainstorming.  Clients and partners have ranged from major media associations and alliances to universities and K12 school districts, as well as medium and small-sized media firms.  We also help start-ups and small companies grow in these changing environments, across diverse industry sectors.

Here’s a few glimpses into our industry-level discussions from white papers and presentations:


Contact us to speak about how we can help your organization decide how it can build ongoing strategies for how it can actively embrace connected technology change.