Leading Change

Elephant DancingHas change become a challenge for your team?  For you as a leader?  

  • Are you having challenges getting the elephant to dance faster, as the pace of change around us accelerates?
  • Are you having issues with the elephant even hearing the music?

We can work with organizational leaders explore new ways to understand technology-driven change and build new strengths and capacities:

  • Scenario thinking: Explore change drivers and discover new possible futures facing your organization.
  • Industry futures analysis: Discover possible new business sectors, and bring those changes back to your organization’s decision-making pathways.
  • Narrative organizational change: Change your own organization’s stories of what is possible and how it can make positive changes through its own narratives.  Based on recent research on dialogic organizational development, we help gather stories from the existing members of the organization and help the group understand their own values, routines, and belief systems based on those stories.
  • Change orientation design advisory: Explore ways that change and innovation may be limited to only certain people and avenues in your organizations, and re-evaluate as a team how new ideas could flow and be considered.

Maremel teaches leaders to see, imagine, and create new opportunities with digital technologies.  We help organizations and individuals build their capacities toward new futures, using technology to rethink perceived limits on connecting people, creation, learning, and ideas.