Keynote – UC Cyber Security Virtual Summit
Dr. Gigi Johnson keynoted this virtual event, sharing “Augmenting Selves: Creating Lives and Futures in a Trained and Tracked Digital World”.
Dr. Johnson’s world changed two years ago. After two decades of work with companies and at UCLA exploring digital disruption, an illness made her rethink how her own life and brain work with augmenting and nagging technologies. Our many challenges in this hyper-curated world are not just from our smart devices, digital tools, and platform marketplaces. She will challenge us to look as system designers and decision-makers at the darker underside of how digital systems train us to make major and minor life decisions, how we can create digital extensions for a more focused life, and how we can rethink how we learn and create in this trained and tracked digital world.
The event was the 10th Biannual UC Cyber Security Summit.