Post-Pandemic Libraries: The Upcoming Era of Change
Dr. Gigi Johnson opened the March 17 Virtual Workshop for the Friends of the National Library of Medicine.
Post-Pandemic Libraries: The Upcoming Era of Change
The COVID-19 global pandemic instantly reshaped how libraries function—from services to workflows, from technologies to communications. As librarians continue to adjust to these sudden changes, there remains the question of to what degree these changes will stick, especially as the world’s population encounters future global shifts. Numerous lessons were learned during this pandemic, but which ones will shape and improve the library profession? How will the social artifacts of our current pandemic become embedded in our organizations, creating a “new normal” as well as pathways for new models of work? How have the information needs and behaviors of our user communities informed our libraries’ adaptations during the pandemic, and how will we continue to meet their diverse needs in the long term? The keynote speakers and panelists will share and discuss how libraries, particularly in the medical and health sciences fields, can leverage change to create more agile, informed, and impactful libraries and librarians and to forge a more exciting and advanced future for librarianship. Join us as we shape tomorrow’s libraries.
Sponsored by: Association of Academic Health Sciences Libraries, Elsevier, and Oxford PharmaGenesis
- 10:00 -10:10 AM
Welcome and Introduction: Glen Campbell, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Friends of the National Library of Medicine - 10:15 – 11:00 AM
Opening Keynote, Gigi Johnson, Maremel Institute - 11:05 – 11:50 AM
Taking Action on COVID Lessons Learned
Moderator: Melissa DeSantis, Chair, Association of Academic Health Sciences Libraries
Sandra Franklin, Emory University
Kelvin Watson, Las Vegas-Clark County Public Library District
Beth Whipple, Indiana University, Bart Ragon, University of Virginia, and Melissa Rethlefsen, The University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center
Patricia Devine, University of Washington - 11:55 AM – 12:30 PM
Meal Break - 12:30 – 1:15 PM
Future of Space
Moderator: Anne Seymour, Johns Hopkins University
Dianne Babski, National Library of Medicine
Dan Wilson, University of Virginia
Tim Tripp, University Health Network
Catherine Soehner, University of Utah - 1:20 – 2:05 PM
Organizational Design/Development
Moderator: Tara Landry – President, Canadian Health Libraries Association/Association des bibliothèques de la santé du Canada
David Lankes, University of Texas, Austin
Chris Shaffer, University of California, San Francisco
Elaine Westbrooks, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Bridgit McCafferty and Lisa Hopkins, Texas A&M University-Central Texas - 2:05 – 2:20 PM
Break - 2:20 – 3:05 PM
Bold Librarianship/Bold Library Leadership
Maureen Sullivan, Maureen Sullivan Associates
Hannah Rutledge, University of Pennsylvania
Jonathan Cain, Columbia University
LaMoya Burks, Texarkana College - 3:05 – 3:15 PM
Shannon Jones, Medical University of South Carolina
Hannah Rutledge, University of Pennsylvania