AR x Love of Lab . . . with Ippolito Caradonna

AR x Love of Lab . . . with Ippolito Caradonna

Ippolito Caradonna image

Question:  How can we use Augmented Reality to enhance the practice of collaborative biology?

Guest: Ippolito Imani Caradonna, Co-Founder/CEO, Aug Lab; Director, HoloPractice

Ippolito Caradonna mixes his love for biology with his background in film and passion for assisted research.  He is co-founding Aug Lab, an AR software interface for laboratory production that helps scientists traverse the complex topography of a lab.  He shares with us how he first fell in love with molecular biology through gene regulation.  His journey has not been a straight line.  After starting in film at Loyola Marymount, he became a social worker for 6 years in Santa Clara County, near where he grew up in Gilroy, CA.  He has had, what we call postcard moments in this show, where he dropped out of film school.  He went back to school, fascinated by “junk DNA,” the extra DNA not being used.  He melded theater, music, and other areas of art in parallel with lab studies.  He shares how he bugged his now-parter, Christian Lafayette, to work with him on an augmented reality solution.  He shares his plans for Aug Lab in designing with other lab professionals how do we augment the lab experience vs changing it or distracting from their work.  He ends with his own values of making lab work understandable and accessible for young professionals exploring STEM careers and hopes that Aug Lab will make training easier to explore.
Our Guest

Ippolito Caradonna is a passionate molecular biologist with over 10 years of experience in academic and industry labs. He co-founded Aug Lab, an AR software prototype that spatially projects a projected environment for lab and collaborative work.  He has over two years in the Medical XR (mixed reality) arena as a mentor via the Black Technology Mentorship Program. He is also the director of a HoloPractice – a private incubator of technologists and health & wellness professionals building experiential platforms.

Giving back to his community is one of his most important values and his commitment to authentic personal relationships is the cornerstone of his professional foundation.  He is passionate about shifting the paradigm in the laboratory from the 2D protocol-driven lab operation to a human-centered technology transfer that uses a digitally projected shared interactive environment.

Mentioned Links


  • 00:00 Introduction
  • 01:03 HoloPractice – What is it?
  • 02:03 Molecular Biology
  • 02:47 Aug Lab – What is it?
  • 05:09 Falling in Love with the Lab and Biology
  • 06:12 Leaving Film for Social Work
  • 12:39 Liquid handling robot as a gateway to AR
  • 14:13 Pursuing his co-founder
  • 26:22 Envisioning science careers
Leaning Out Over His Skis . . . with Jeremy Sirota

Leaning Out Over His Skis . . . with Jeremy Sirota

Jeremy Sirota

Question:  How can a Creative Innovator make big jumps and leaps into new areas?

Guest: Jeremy Sirota, CEO, Merlin

Our first guest of Season 2 shares his tales of two loves: music and technology. His journey to Merlin includes early fandom in the Orange County punk rock scene, learning brand design in New York City while launching a mini fashion brand, and a road through technology law, Warner Music, and Facebook. He shares his adventures “leaning out over his skis” and growing outside of his comfort zone. He talks about relationships and “finding enough space that luck finds you.” Jeremy shares his learnings and beliefs in managing organizations and teams, as well as his challenges in managing as a new CEO into the heart of the Pandemic.

Our Guest

Jeremy Sirota is CEO of Merlin, the Independents’ digital music licensing partner that strikes premium deals for its members with services like Apple, Facebook, Spotify, TikTok, and YouTube. Sirota has been recognized four times by Billboard, including Indie Power Player, International Power Player, and the 2022 Power List. Last year, Merlin added 32 independent labels and distributors from 17 countries to its membership and represents over 15% of the global market share. Prior to Merlin, he was an executive on the Facebook Music team, where he helped shape its music strategy as well as licensed rights from independents worldwide. Sirota previously held a number of senior positions at Warner Music Group, culminating as Head of Business & Legal Affairs for WEA and ADA. Early in his career, he was a technology lawyer at Morrison & Forster. For more, visit

Mentioned Links


  • 00:00 Introduction
  • 01:03 Merlin
  • 03:51 Growing Up: Punk Rock & CIA?
  • 06:42 College in Rhetoric?
  • 08:33 New York in Design
  • 14:03 Luck Finds You
  • 19:28 Managing in Large and Small Companies
  • 22:03 Merlin in 2020-22
  • 28:12 North Stars and Team Goals
  • 31:34 Big Ahas
  • 36:14 Personal Side
  • 39:19 Encouraging as a Parent
  • 41:05 Intersecting Music and Tech
Screen x Screen Online Tools – Tidbits and Notes

Screen x Screen Online Tools – Tidbits and Notes

Thanks for joining today’s session at the ScreenxScreen Virtual Conference on Online Tools.  Online Tools are important and potentially both beneficial and distracting for artists and those who create engagement and content with them. 


Background Links and Resources


    Mentioned During the Session

    Other Resources to Check Out Tools




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    Pixelating Reality from SXSW Interactive

    We enjoyed sharing insights at SXSW Interactive 2014 on this question — How is smartphone use pixelating reality, blowing it up and turning it into shiftable bits of data so we are making different decisions with its Time and Place?

    We are in a massive change in social and personal behavior, catalyzed by the increasing penetration of smartphones.  We have had digital cameras and cell phones for many years.  The intriguing shift stems from both (a) casual photography with no lag time to distribute and immediate connectivity, and (b) instant connecting with small screens wherever we go.

    What has shifted?  This direction of thought looks at how this affects our Here and Now, as well as the question of being Together.

    • How are we Present if we are always checking in to other information and places?  
    • Are we shifting our energies to auto-documenting our activities through pictures and other actions to the detriment of the activity and connections that we are experiencing live?

    You can enjoy two elements of the presentation below…

    First, this video outlines some of the questions we examined:

    Second, here’s the SlideShare of the presentation from SXSW, without any audio.

    Cyborg Attachments and Goodies from CES 2014

    We enjoyed our adventures at CES 2014.  Dr. Johnson came hold with a nasty convention cold, and now that she is almost human again, we thought we would share the human-adjacent technologies about robots, eye tracking, 3D printing, telepresence, quad copters, cars, and other things that go bump in the night from future and present technology trends.

    See anything you’d like?
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